Play Lord of the Dills: Click here, then click the avatar in the new tab! (Laptop/Desktop Only)




Crafting seamless user experiences for video meetings in order to enhance communication and collaboration.

UX/UI, Business, AR


Engaging K-12 students in education while promoting creativity.


Nespresso VertuoPlus AR Tutorial

Elegant and interactive startup guide for first time Nespresso users.


Robinhood Quick Transactions

Empowering Robinhood users to make smart investments, quickly.


Coinbase NFT Gallery

Interactive and engaging experience for simple purchase of NFTs through Coinbase.

UX/UI, Business

MARTA Bus Shelters

Revolutionize public bus shelters to empower customization, simplify wayfinding and inspire community pride.

UX/UI, Business


Redesigning how consultants interact with BlackRock representatives.

UX/UI, Business

KERN Education

Bridging the skill gap between students finishing their high school careers and entering their college careers.


AR, Case Study


AR avatars to strengthen communication, improve coopoeration, and mitigate loneliness.

AR, Case Study

Hand Gesture Controls for Focus

Utilizing intent-driven hand gesture controls in an AR OS to combat distraction in order to improve overall efficiency and mental health.


UFO Game: AR Port

Port UFO sheep stealing game to AR, designing experience and controls for AR usage.

UX/UI, Prototyping

Life Rating Variables

Prototype live ratings screen using Figma Variables.


Portal Spawning Exercise

Design experience of plane scanning and immersive portal to another world.

UX/UI, Prototyping

Responsive Vans Grid

Prototype responsive grid using Figma Auto Layout. 


A committed, data-motivated designer and entrepreneur with a unique blend of curiosity, creativity, and strategic vision.

Hi there! My name is Dillon Hickey and I combine functionality and elegance to create enhanced user experiences.

My WorkAs an XR/Product designer, graphic designer, and savvy entrepreneur, I specialize in transforming complex ideas into intuitive, user-friendly designs. My approach is rooted in the core principles of UX design, emphasizing user needs while also driving business growth. I have a real passion for seamless UX design as well as extended reality, where I see massive opportunities for innovation and creation.

My Background Growing up I considered myself a curious explorer, diving head first into any interest that crossed my path. I’ve been a curious explorer my whole life, which has led me to maintain a diverse set of hobbies and continuous learning opportunities, enabling me to maintain my growth mindset.

My HobbiesWhile not pushing pixels or creatively solving problems,
I enjoy playing video games, cycling, culinary arts, and reading about design, mythology and fantasy, as well as taking various organized classes. I consider myself a lifelong learner with a growth mindset and allow each interaction with any of my hobbies to be a learning opportunity. I also enjoy the little things in life with my dog, Halpert (Yes, like Jim Halpert from The Office), who helps me find inspiration in the everyday.

My Skills
UX Design
  • Prototyping
  • Wireframing
  • User Research
  • User Interface Design
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Mobile Optimized Design
  • Figma
  • Sketch
  • Invision
  • Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Unity
  • C#
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript

Visual Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Typography
  • Design Systems

  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Project Management
  • Organizational Leadership
Contact Me . (914) 255-7392 . dillonhickey07@gmail.com